Conference Registration
Get together in the beer garden
Silke Stanzel welcomes the participants on behalf of the organising team
Elmar Junker introducing the keynote speaker Dr. Sebastian Staacks from RWTH Aachen
Experiment with the phyphox app
Keynote by Sebastian Staacks
Keynote by Sebastian Staacks
Networking Activity
Conference Day 1 & Keynote Prof. Dr. Mieke de Cock
Opening by the Vice-President of the University Prof. Dr. Stephanie Kapitza
Welcome by Greet Langie, Vice-president of SEFI
Welcome by Arjan Lock, chairman of special interest group Physics of SEFI
Keynote by Mieke De Cock
Keynote by Mieke De Cock
Tangibles in the SCALE-UP room
Laboratory tour to the observatory
Presentation on AI in education
Working with whiteboards in SCALE-UP room
Workshop in SCALE-UP room
ift Excursion & Conference Dinner
The laboratory for fire and smoke control testing facades at ift-rosenheim
The laboratory for building acoustics at ift-rosenheim
Group photo of participants in front of the Wendelstein mountain
The organisation team of PTEE 2024: Silke Stanzel, Christine Lux, Elmar Junker, Julia Neubert, Claudia Schäfle
Enjoying 'Speck-Alm' and the view to Wendelstein mountain
Cosy get-together in the Bavarian Alps
Conference Day 2 & Keynote Prof. Dr. Peter Riegler
Keynote by Peter Riegler
Keynote by Peter Riegler
Group task results on whiteboards in the SCALE-UP room
Hands-on in workshop in the SCALE-UP room
Hands-on in workshop in the SCALE-UP room
Poster Session
Claudia Schäfle’s farewell in one of the SCALE-UP rooms. See you again in 2026 in Warszawa/Warsaw.