Prof. Dr. techn. Norbert Seliger
Fakultät für Ingenieurwissenschaften
Campus Rosenheim
Hochschulstr. 1
83024 Rosenheim
Raum R 2.30
Büro: R 2.30 (Lageplan)
Telefon Büro: +49 (0) 8031 805-2624
E-Mail: norbert.seliger@th-rosenheim.de
Sprechstunden: nach Vereinbarung
- Beauftragter für Praktika / das praktische Studiensemester Bachelorstudiengang Elektro-und Informationstechnik
- Leistungselektronik
- Hochfrequenztechnik
- Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit
- Zuverlässigkeit
- Elektrodynamik
- Leistungselektronik
- Electrodynamics
- Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit
- Electromagnetic Compatibility
- Power Electronic Circuit Design
- Hochfrequenztechnik Grundlagen, Vertiefung
- Ingenieurprojekte
[96] Seliger, N., Leirich, N., 2025. Reconfigurable single-layer air coil inductor with bistable compliant windings, in: Submitted to EPE 25.
[95] Seliger, N., 2025. Introducing environmental sustainability in an RF and EMC lab course utilizing reusable, recyclable and biodegradable circuits, in: Abstract Accepted for IEEE Educon 25.
[94] Seliger, Norbert, Leirich, N., 2024. Reconfigurable board-to-board interconnect utilizing bistable compliant ribbon wires, in: 14th International Workshop on the Electromagnetic Compatibility of Integrated Circuits (EMC Compo). pp. 211–215.
[93] Seliger, N., Leirich, N., 2024. Compliant Mechanism based Planar Inductors for Reconfigurable Magneto-Inductive Wave Devices, in: Eighteenth International Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena – Metamaterials 2024. Crete (Greece).
[92] Seliger, N., 2024a. A Tunable Wire Loop Inductor based on Bistable Compliant Mechanism, in: Proc. 25th International Microwave and Radar Conference (Mikon 24). Warsaw (Poland).
[91] Seliger, N., 2024b. Reconfigurable Polygonal Planar Inductor with Bistable Snapping Mechanism, in: Proc. Of 8th Open International Conference ’Electrical, Electronic and Information Sciences’ eStream 2024. Vilnius (Lithuania).
[90] Seliger, N., Helmbrecht, C., 2024. A high-frequency performance and degradation study of adhesive conductive EMI shielding tapes during High-Temperature Storage, in: Submitted to CIPS 2024.
[89] Seliger, N., Honsa, J., 2023a. Time-variable Mutual Inductance for Enhanced Inductive Power Transmission, in: Submitted to IEEE ISFEE 2023.
[88] Seliger, N., 2023a. Progressive Expansion Sampling of Quasi-Static Magnetic Fields for EMI Noise Detection and Equivalent Source Modeling, in: Proceedings of EMC Europe 2023.
[87] Seliger, N., Honsa, J., 2023b. A planar Magneto-Inductive Device with Modulated Mutual Inductance for Wireless Power Transmission, in: 12th IEEE-APS Topical Conference on Antennas and Propagation in Wireless Communications (IEEE-APWC 2023).
[86] Seliger, N., Faltlhauser, G., 2023. Progressive Expansion Sampling of Quasi-Static Magnetic Fields in Unconfined Regions. IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology 13, 1576–1583. https://doi.org/10.1109/TCPMT.2023.3283285
[85] Seliger, N., 2023b. A Differential Half-Bridge Relaxation Oscillator for Inductive Power Transfer, in: PCIM Europe 2023; International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management. pp. 1–7. https://doi.org/10.30420/566091090
[84] Seliger, N., 2022a. A Differential Relaxation Oscillator for Inductive Power Transfer (best paper award), in: IEEE IEACON 2022.
[83] Seliger, N., Faltlhauser, G., 2022. Active Expansion Sampling of Magnetic Near-Fields in Unbounded Regions (best paper award), in: 26th IEEE Workshop on Signal and Power Integrity, IEEE SPI-2022.
[82] Dechant, E., Seliger, N., Kennel, R., 2022. Common Mode DGS EMI Filter Integrated into a GaN Half Bridge Switching Cell, in: International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management, PCIM 2022.
[81] Seliger, N., 2022b. Self-Oscillating Capacitive Power Transfer with Multiple Receiver Capability and Coupling Path Adaption, in: 24th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE’22 ECCE Europe.
[80] Seliger, N., Dechant, E., Kennel, R., 2022. EMI mitigation by substrate integrated common mode filter, in: CIPS 2022 - 12th International Conference on Integrated Power Electronics Systems (CIPS 2022). Berlin (Germany).
[79] Seliger, N., 2021a. Design of a Half-Bridge Converter for Self-Adapting Capacitive Wireless Power Transfer, in: IEEE CENCON 2021.
[78] Seliger, N., 2021b. A Free Oscillating Half-Bridge Converter for Capacitively Coupled Wireless Power Transfer, in: IEEE RTSI 2021.
[77] Dechant, E., Seliger, N., Kennel, R., 2020. Design of a Low Multi-Loop Inductance Three Level Neutral Point Clamped Converter with GaN HEMTs, in: ECCE 2020 - 12th Annual Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition. Detroit, USA.
[76] Seliger, N., Dechant, E., Brendel, C., Kennel, R., 2020. Reduction of common mode EMI noise in microstrip line based commutation paths designed for sub-nH loop inductance, in: CIPS 2020 - 11th International Conference on Integrated Power Electronics Systems (CIPS 2020). Berlin, Germany.
[75] Dechant, E., Seliger, N., Kennel, R., 2019a. Power cycling and temperature endurance test of a GaN switching cell with substrate integrated chips. Microelectronics Reliability 113372. doi.orghttps://doi.org/10.1016/j.microrel.2019.06.064
[74] Dechant, E., Seliger, N., Kennel, R., 2019b. A study of dielectric breakdown of a half-bridge switching cell with substrate integrated 650V GaN dies, in: Proccedings of IEEE International Workshop on Integrated Power Packaging (IWIPP).
[73] Dechant, E., Seliger, N., Kennel, R., 2019c. Performance of a GaN switching cell with substrate integrated chips, in: Proccedings of International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management.
[72] Stoettner, J., Seliger, N., 2018. Ring resonator based signal and power transfer at UHF frequencies, in: Proceedings International EURASIP Workshop on RFID Technology (EURFID).
[71] Stubenrauch, F., Wittmann, J., Kiermayer, A., Hagl, R., Seliger, N., Kennel, R., Schmitt-Landsiedel, D., 2017a. FPGA-based High Dynamic Servo Drive Control with a 200 kHz GaN Inverter, in: Proceedings of EPE’17.
[70] Stubenrauch, F., Seliger, N., Schmitt-Landsiedel, D., 2017b. Design and Performance of a 200 kHz GaN Motor Inverter with Sine Wave Filter.
[69] Seliger, N., Stubenrauch, F., Brendel, C., Schmitt-Landsiedel, D., 2017. Impact of circuit carrier technologies on MHz-switching of GaN half-bridge circuits, in: Proccedings of International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management.
[68] Stubenrauch, F., Seliger, N., Schmitt-Landsiedel, D., 2016a. A Low Impedance Drive Circuit to Suppress the Spurious Turn-On in High Speed Wide Band-Gap Semiconductor Halfbridges, in: Proccedings of International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management.
[67] Stubenrauch, F., Seliger, N., Schmitt-Landsiedel, D., 2016b. A Simplified SPICE Model for Fast Parametric Optimization of High Voltage Power Electronic Circuits in the Megahertz Range, in: Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Integrated Power Electronics Systems.
[66] Seliger, N., Stubenrauch, F., Schmitt-Landsiedel, D., 2016. A Parametric Layout Study of Radiated Emission from High-Frequency Half-Bridge Switching Cells, in: Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Integrated Power Electronics Systems.
[65] Stubenrauch, F., Seliger, N., Schustek, M., Lebedev, A., Schmitt-Landsiedel, D., 2015. A 13.56MHz class E power amplifier for inductively coupled DC supply with 95% power added efficiency (PAE), in: Proceedings International EURASIP Workshop on RFID Technology (EURFID). pp. 87–93. https://doi.org/10.1109/EURFID.2015.7332390
[64] Seliger, N., 2014. Probabilistic model based analysis of electrolytic capacitor ageing and failures in a single-phase power factor correction circuit, in: Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Integrated Power Electronics Systems.
[63] Seliger, N., 2012. Zuverlaessigkeit mechatronischer Systeme: Bewertung der Lebensdauer der Leistungselektronik.
[62] Weidner, K., Kaspar, M., Seliger, N., 2012. Planar interconnect technology for power module system integration (invited). Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Integrated Power Electronics Systems 459–463.
[61] Weidner, K., Kaspar, M., Seliger, N., 2011. Innovative Leistungsmodule. Produktion von Leiterplatten und Systemen (PLUS) 13, 1408–1412.
[60] Renken, F., Ehbauer, G., Karrer, V., Knorr, R., Ramminger, S., N.Seliger, Wolfgang, E., 2007. Reliability of high temperature inverters for HEV. Proc. Power Conversion Conference PCC ’07 563–568.
[59] Gerber, M., Seliger, N., Ferreira, J.A., Hofsajer, I.W., 2006. Magnetic component miniaturisation for application in power electronic modules. Proc. CIPS 2006.
[58] Gerber, M., Ferreira, J.A., Seliger, N., Hofsajer, I.W., 2005a. Integral 3-D thermal, electrical and mechanical design of an automotive DC/DC converter. IEEE Trans. Power Electronics 20, 566–575.
[57] Gerber, M., Ferreira, J.A., Hofsajer, I.W., Seliger, N., 2005b. High density packaging of the passive components in an automotive DC/DC converter. IEEE Trans. Power Electronics 20, 268–275.
[56] Gerber, M., Ferreira, J.A., Seliger, N., Hofsajer, I.W., 2005c. Design and evaluation of an automotive integrated system module. Conference Record of the Industry Applications Conference, Fourtieth IAS Annual Meeting 1144–1151.
[55] Gerber, M., Ferreira, J.A., Hofsajer, I.W., Seliger, N., 2005d. Integral design of a high power density DC/DC converter for harsh environments. Proc. EPE’05.
[54] Gerber, M., Ferreira, J.A., Hofsajer, I.W., Seliger, N., 2004a. Interleaving optimization in synchronous rectified DC/DC converters. Proc. Power Electronics Specialist Conference (PESC) 4655–4661.
[53] Gerber, M., Ferreira, J.A., Hofsajer, I.W., Seliger, N., 2004b. An improved 3D integrated DC/DC converter for high temperature environments. Proc. Power Electronics Specialist Conference (PESC) 2779–2785.
[52] Roehrich, A., Hirsch, H., Seliger, N., 2004. EMC-optimised design of a converter power stage by reduction of surface currents. Proc. Power Electronics Specialist Conference (PESC) 82–85.
[51] Hirsch, H., Roehrich, A., Seliger, N., 2004. EMV-optimierter Entwurf durch gezielte Reduktion von Oberflaechenstroemen. Elektromagnetische Vertraeglichkeit, 12. Internationale Fachmesse und Kongress fuer Elektromagnetische Vertraeglichkeit.
[50] Gerber, M., Ferreira, J.A., Hofsajer, I.W., Seliger, N., 2004c. A high-density heat-sink-mounted inductor for automotive applications. IEEE Trans. on Industry Applications 40, 1031–1038.
[49] Kanert, W., Dettmer, H., Plikat, B., Seliger, N., 2003. Reliability aspects of semiconductor devices in high temperature applications. Microelectronics Reliability 43, 1839–1846.
[48] Coquery, G., Lefranc, G., Licht, T., Lallemand, R., Seliger, N., Berg, H., 2003. High temperature reliability on automotive power modules verified by power cycling tests up to 150oC. Microelectronics Reliability 43, 1871–1876.
[47] Castellazzi, A., Kartal, V., Kraus, R., Seliger, N., Honsberg-Riedl, M., Schmitt-Landsiedel, D., 2003a. Hot-spot meaurements and analysis of electro-thermal effects in low-voltage Power-MOSFETs. Microelectronics Reliability 43, 1877–1882.
[46] Oila, K., Ciappa, M., Seliger, N., Fichtner, W., 2003a. Thermal modeling, simulation and characterization of a high-temperature converter for automotive applications. Proc. of EPE’03.
[45] Oila, K., Ciappa, M., Seliger, N., Fichtner, W., 2003b. Computer-assisted thermal design of an integrated starter generator and model assessment under realistic operating conditions. Proc. of Therminic 2003.
[44] Castellazzi, A., Kraus, R., Seliger, N., Schmitt-Landsiedel, D., 2003b. Influence of parasitic inductances on the switching behaviour of Power MOSFETs used in automotive applications. Proc. of EPE’03.
[43] Rackles, J., Seliger, N., 2003. Optimization of DC-link Capacitors in an Integrated Starter Generator Unit. The New Automotive 42V PowerNet Becomes Reality.
[42] Gerber, M., Ferreira, J.A., Hofsajer, I.W., Seliger, N., 2003. High temperature, high power density packaging for automotive applications. Proc. Power Electronics Specialist Conference (PESC) 425–430.
[41] Gerber, M., Ferreira, J.A., Hofsajer, I.W., Seliger, N., 2002a. A high power density DC/DC converter for automotive applications. Proc. of SAUPEC’02.
[40] Seliger, N., Rackles, J., Schwarzbauer, H., Kiffe, W., Bolz, S., 2002a. Compact and robust power electronics packaging and interconnection technology for an Integrated Starter Generator. Optimization of the power train in vehicles by using the ISG 248–255.
[39] Wolfgang, E., Lefranc, G., Seliger, N., Berg, H., Licht, T., 2002a. Zuverlaessige Leistungselektronik fuer die Automobiltechnik. ETG-Tagung Bauelemente der Leistungselektronik und ihre Anwendungen, Bad Nauheim.
[38] Roehrich, A., Hirsch, H., Seliger, N., 2002a. Built-in EMC in der Aufbau- und Verbindungstechnik am Beispiel des integrierten Startergenerators. Proc. Electronic & Communications in Traffic Systems, ECT’02.
[37] Seliger, N., Rackles, J., Schwarzbauer, H., Wolfgang, E., Bolz, S., 2002b. Kompakte und hochzuverlaessige Aufbau- und Verbindungstechnik fuer leistungselektronische Systeme am Beispiel Starter Generator. Proc. Electronic & Communications in Traffic Systems, ECT’02.
[36] Wolfgang, E., Seliger, N., Lugert, G., Riepl, T., 2002b. High-temperature power electronics: Challenges and Opportunities (invited). Proc. CIPS’02.
[35] Gerber, M., Ferreira, J.A., Hofsajer, I.W., Seliger, N., 2002b. High density packaging of the passive components in an automotive DC/DC converter. pesc 761–767.
[34] Gerber, M., Ferreira, J.A., Hofsajer, I.W., Seliger, N., 2002c. A very high density, heatsink mounted inductor for automotive applications. Conference Record of the Industry Applications Conference, 37th IAS Annual Meeting 948–954.
[33] Castellazzi, A., Kraus, R., Seliger, N., Schmitt-Landsiedel, D., 2002. Reliability analysis of power MOSFETs with the help of compact models and circuit simulation. Microelectronics Reliability 42, 1605–1610.
[32] Seliger, N., Wolfgang, E., Lefranc, G., Berg, H., Licht, T., 2002c. Reliable power electronics for automotive applications (invited). Microelectronics Reliability 42, 1597–1604.
[31] Gerber, M., Ferreira, J.A., Hofsajer, I.W., Seliger, N., 2002d. A volumetric optimization of a low pass filter. IEEE Trans. on Industry Applications 38, 1432–1440.
[30] Roehrich, A., Hirsch, H., Seliger, N., 2002b. EMC modeling of a compact packaging technology of a crankshaft starter generator. Proc. of ICEMC’02.
[29] Gerstenmaier, Y.C., Wachutka, G., Seliger, N., 2002. Efficient calculation of transient temperature fields responding to fast changing heatsources over long duration in high frequency DC/DC converter. Proc. THERMINIC’02 297–302.
[28] Gerber, M., Ferreira, J.A., Hofsajer, I.W., Seliger, N., 2001. A volumetric optimization of a low pass filter. Conference Record of the Industry Applications Conference, 36th IAS Annual Meeting 2224–2231.
[27] Fuerboeck, C., Pogany, D., Litzenberger, M., Gornik, E., Seliger, N., Goßner, H., Mueller-Lynch, T., Stecher, M., Werner, W., 2000. Interferomteric temperature mapping during ESD stress and failure analysis of smart power technology ESD protection devices. Journal of Electrostatics 49, 195–213.
[26] Seliger, N., Ramminger, S., Franke, T., Wachutka, G., 2000. A study of heel crack failures in wire bonds under mechanical cycling. Proc. of Micromat 2000.
[25] Ramminger, S., Seliger, N., Wachutka, G., 2000. Reliability model for Al wire bonds subjected to heel crack failures. Microelectronics Reliability 40, 1521–1525.
[24] Fuerboeck, C., Pogany, D., Litzenberger, M., Gornik, E., Seliger, N., Gossner, H., Muller-Lynch, T., Stecher, M., Werner, W., 1999a. Interferometric temperature mapping during ESD stress and failure analysis of smart power technology ESD protection devices. Proc. Electrical Overstress/Electrostatic Discharge Symposium 241–250.
[23] Pogany, D., Seliger, N., Litzenberger, M., Goßner, H., Stecher, M., Mueller-Lynch, T., Werner, W., Gornik, E., 1999. Damage analysis in smart-power technology electrostatic discharge (ESD) protection devices. Microelectronics Reliability 39, 1143–1148.
[22] Fuerboeck, C., Litzenberger, M., Pogany, D., Gornik, E., Seliger, N., Mueller-Lynch, T., Stecher, M., Goßner, H., Werner, W., 1999b. Laser interferometric method for ns-time scale thermal mapping of smart power ESD protection devices during ESD stress. Microelectronics Reliability 39, 925–930.
[21] Fuerboeck, C., Thalhammer, R., Litzenberger, M., Seliger, N., Pogany, D., Gornik, E., Wachutka, G., 1999c. A differential backside laserprober technique for the investigation of the lateral temperature distribution in power devices. Proc. of ISPSD’99 193.
[20] Fuerboeck, C., Thalhammer, R., Litzenberger, M., Seliger, N., Wachutka, G., Gornik, E., 1999d. Internal characterisation of IGBTs using the Backside Laserprober Technique. Proc. Seminar Aktuelle Entwicklungen der Mikroelektronik.
[19] Thalhammer, R., Fuerboeck, C., Seliger, N., Deboy, G., Gornik, E., Wachutka, G., 1998a. Internal characterization of IGBTs using the backside laser probing technique - interpretation of measurement by numerical simulation. Proc. of ISPSD´98 199.
[18] Pogany, D., Seliger, N., Lalinsky, T., Kuzmik, J., Habas, P., Hrkut, P., Gornik, E., 1998a. Study of thermal effects in GaAs micromachined power sensor microsystems by an optical interferometer technique. Microelectronics Journal 29, 191–198.
[17] Seliger, N., Gornik, E., Pogany, D., Fuerboeck, C., Habas, P., Thalhammer, R., Stoisiek, M., 1998. Characterisation of semiconductor devices by infrared laser interferometry. E&I Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Sonderheft Trends in der Mikrotechnik 403.
[16] Thalhammer, R., Fuerboeck, C., Seliger, N., Gornik, E., Wachutka, G., 1998b. Validation and calibration of electrothermal device models using infrared laser probing techniques. Proc. of MSM’98 213.
[15] Pogany, D., Seliger, N., Gornik, E., Stoisiek, M., Lalinsky, T., 1998b. Analysis of the temperature evolution from the time resolved thermo-optical interferometric measurements with few Fabry-Perot peaks. Journal of Applied Physics 84, 4495–4501.
[14] Fuerboeck, C., Seliger, N., Pogany, D., Litzenberger, M., Gornik, E., Stecher, M., Gosser, H., Werner, W., 1998. Backside laserprober characterization of thermal effects during high current stress in smart power ESD protection devices. Technical Digest Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM ’98) 691–694.
[13] Seliger, N., Habas, P., Pogany, D., Gornik, E., 1997a. Time-resolved analysis of self-heating in Power VDMOSFETs using Backside-Laserprobing. Solid State Electronics 41, 1285–1292.
[12] N.Seliger, Fuerboeck, C., Habas, P., Pogany, D., Gornik, E., 1997. Backside-laserprober technique for characterisation of semiconductor power devices. Proceedings of the Seminar Basics and Technology of Electronic Devices 143–147.
[11] Seliger, N., Pogany, D., Fuerboeck, C., Habas, P., Gornik, E., Stoisiek, M., 1997b. A study of temperature distribution in SOI-smart power devices in transient conditions by optical interferometry, in: Grünbacher, H. (Ed.), ESSDERC' 97. Editions Frontieres, Stuttgart, pp. 372–375.
[10] Pogany, D., Fuerboeck, C., Seliger, N., Habas, P., Gornik, E., Kubicek, S., Decoutere, S., 1997. Optical testing of submicron-technology MOSFETs and bipolar transistors, in: Grünbacher, H. (Ed.), ESSDERC' 97. Editions Frontieres, Stuttgart, pp. 372–375.
[9] Seliger, N., Pogany, D., Fuerboeck, C., Habas, P., Gornik, E., 1997c. A laser beam method for evaluation of thermal time constant in smart power devices. Microelectron. Reliab. 37, 1727–1730.
[8] Fuerboeck, C., Thalhammer, R., Seliger, N., Pogany, D., Deboy, G., Wachutka, G., Gornik, E., 1997. Lokale Temperaturbestimmung in Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistoren (IGBTs) mittels Lasersondentechnik. ÖVE-Schriftenreihe (ISBN 3-85133-010-2) 14, 117–122.
[7] Burian, E., Pogany, D., Lalinsky, T., Seliger, N., Gornik, E., 1997. Thermal simulation and characterization of GaAs micromachined power sensor microsystems, in: Eurosensors XI. Warsaw, pp. 949–952.
[6] Seliger, N., Habaš, P., Gornik, E., 1996a. A study of backside laser-probe signals in MOSFETs. Microelectronic Engineering 31, 87–94.
[5] Seliger, N., Habas, P., Koeck, A., Pogany, D., Gornik, E., 1996b. Backside laserprobing of transient heating in power VDMOSFETs, in: ISPS' 96. Prague, pp. 115–122.
[4] Seliger, N., Habas, P., Gornik, E., 1996c. Time domain characterization of lattice heating in power VDMOSFETs by means of an interferometric laserprobe technique, in: G. Baccarani, M.R. (Ed.), ESSDERC' 96. Editions Frontieres, Bologna, pp. 847–850.
[3] Pogany, D., Seliger, N., Lalinsky, T., Kuzmik, J., Habas, P., Hrkut, P., Gornik, E., 1996a. Study of thermal effects in GaAs micromachined power sensor microsystems by an optical interferometer technique, in: THERMINIC' 96. Budapest, pp. 185–190.
[2] Pogany, D., Lalinsky, T., Seliger, N., Kuzmik, J., Habas, P., Hrkut, P., Gornik, E., 1996b. Power sensor microsystems characterization using a contactless optical laser method, in: ASDAM' 96. Smolenice Castle, pp. 201–204.
[1] Seliger, N., Habas, P., Gornik, E., 1995. Modeling and measurements of backside laserprobe signals in MOSFETs, in: Graaf, H. van K. H. C. de (Ed.), ESSDERC' 95. Editions Frontieres, The Hague, pp. 773–776.