About the laboratory
Basic practicum for BI, EGT, EIT, HA, HfA, HT, IAB, KT, MB, MEC, MGW, MT, WI degree programs.
During the COVID19 pandemic, numerous improvements were implemented for the internship, providing an enhanced learning experience for students and, in some cases, increased flexibility; the internship continued to run during the lockdowns, and we are still benefiting after the university closures: the post-pandemic booster for the Rosenheim physics internship:
► Präsenz-Online-Lab@home-Hybrid.
- Rotation
- Bending
- Elastic constants
- Torsional vibration, moment of inertia, Steiner's theorem
- Vertical spring pendulum
- Elastic impact
- Air resistance
- Pipe flow
- Resonance, damped and forced vibration
- Maxwell's wheel
- Thermal conductivity
- Thermocouple
- Specific heat of solids
- Real gases
- Determination of the adiabatic exponent (Kappa)
- Water vapor pressure
- The Stirling process - hot air engine
- Heat pump
Electrical theory (in the laboratory for electrical basics)
- Ohm's law
- Capacitances and inductances
- Oscillating circuits
- Standard oscilloscope measuring technique
Technical optics (in the technical optics laboratory)
- Fiber optics
- Pulse travel times
- Diffraction
- Polarization
- Interferences