
The occurrence or increase in the need for care triggers significant changes in life situations in the sense of transitions, particularly for older people and their relatives. A transition can, for example, consist of being classified into a care level for the first time or moving from your own home to long-term inpatient care.
The resulting changed life situations are characterized by new challenges for all people and organizations involved. For example, profound role changes, complex intra-family coordination processes, organizational and logistical problems, psychosocial stress and socio-economic challenges arise. As a result, different needs for support and care develop, which can be designed successfully and sustainably through participatory and interprofessional action.
In the research focus, transition situations are described together with network partners from practice and evaluated in terms of the challenges they pose for the actors involved (affected people and relatives as well as the system of health-related and nursing care). Together, practice-relevant research questions are developed and consequently investigated.
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The development of the research focus is carried out consistently and methodically in collaboration with the interprofessional network partners. This creates a comprehensive illustration of the different perspectives on critical transition situations in the context of the need for care in old age.
The research focus is intended to establish structures and processes to strengthen participatory and interprofessional research in the context of the need for care at the TH Rosenheim in the long term in order to provide important impulses for care in connection with the need for care.
We see ourselves as a contact - regionally and nationally - for practice, teaching and research in connection with life situations changed by the need for care.