Enrolment & Study Start

Here you can find more information on your enrolment at TH Rosenheim and how to best prepare yourself to make your start of studies as successful and comfortable as possible.
Further Steps after Application
Checklist for International Students
Log-In Credentials for TH Rosenheim
After enrolment please download your login details for the IT systems of TH Rosenheim. How to get your IT access data as a student:
- Log in for the last time with your applicant credentials at the Online Service Centre (OSC).
- Switch to English.
- Select the menu item > My Studies > Student Service > Requested Reports / Reports.
- To download your student account credentials, please click on the following link: RZ-Zugangsdaten and download the sheet with your log-in credentials.
From now on, please only use the ID and password from this initial access letter.
Important: Check the IT services at TH Rosenheim and your official student e-mail account for notifications!
Helpful Guides for International Students
IT-Services at TH Rosenheim
- IT-Services 45 KB
- WIFI Instructions 144 KB
Steps for a Successful Study Start
Your Contacts at TH Rosenheim
- Student Administration: in charge of application, admission and enrolment
- Central Student Advisory Office: information and advice for students