Good Research Practice

Scientific integrity forms the basis for trustworthy research. It is an example of academic voluntary commitment that encompasses a respectful attitude towards peers, research participants, animals, cultural assets, and the environment, and strengthens and promotes vital public trust in research. (Guidelines for Safeguarding Good Research Practice. Code of Conduct. DFG. 2019)

The institutions and measures presented here are intended to contribute to the promotion and maintenance of scientific integrity and good research practice at the TH Rosenheim.

Good Research Practice at Rosenheim Technical University of Applied Sciences

All research processes at TH Rosenheim should be aligned with the principles of good research practice. TH Rosenheim has defined the specific requirements in the statute for safeguarding good research practice and the handling of research misconduct.

Due to the special situation of cooperative doctorates at universities of applied sciences, the expectations regarding supervision and support of doctoral candidates are furthermore described separately in the guideline for collaborative doctorates at Rosenheim Technical University of Applied Sciences.

Both documents are available in German only. For further support, please contact Christoph Jäger or consult the Code of Conduct "Guidelines for Safeguarding Good Research Practice" of the DFG:

A practically oriented, subject-specific commentary on the Code of Conduct can be found at the portal Research Integrity.


Ombudspersons are contact persons at TH Rosenheim for questions about good research practice and challenges related to research misconduct. They are appointed for three years.

Ombudsperson: Prof. Dr. Sandra Krommes

Deputy: Prof. Dr. Franz Benstetter

Commission for the safeguarding of good research practice

At TH Rosenheim a permanent commission is assigned to ensure good scientific practice and to investigate allegations of scientific misconduct. Members are appointed for three years.

Commission members:

Prof. Andreas Heinzmann

Dr. Christoph Jäger

Mr. Manuel Poller

Prof. Dr. Jochen Schmidt

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Wellisch

The German Research Ombudsman

The German Research Ombudsman (Ombudsman für die Wissenschaft) is a committee appointed by the German Research Foundation (DFG) that assists all scientists and researchers in Germany when it comes to questions and conflicts related to good research practice and scientific integrity. Anyone is free to contact either the German Research Ombudsman or our local ombudsperson.

Joint Ethics Committee of the Universities of Applied Sciences of Bavaria

Research on and with humans requires the review and evaluation of ethical and legal aspects by an ethics committee. This is stipulated by "good research practice" and has become an essential prerequisite for the funding of such research projects by public funding agencies and the publication of their results in national and international journals.

The "Joint Ethics Committee of the Universities of Applied Sciences of Bavaria" (GEHBa) offers all members of TH Rosenheim the opportunity to obtain ethics votes for research projects on humans. Bachelor theses are excluded.

The representative of TH Rosenheim in the GEHBa are:

Prof. Dr. Yvonne Berger

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Noah Klarmann

Prof. Dr. Michaela Schunk

Homepage of the GEHBa (in German only):