About the degree programme
You want to have fun during your studies and deal with current trends and technologies - then the Bachelor's degree programme in Business Informatics is the right programme for you. In this degree programme, you will learn how to design digital solutions and sustainable concepts for companies. Creativity and systematic problem solving play an important role.
Course content
The best of two worlds and much more!
During your studies, you will acquire comprehensive competences from computer science, business administration, business informatics and overarching qualifications, such as important presentation and soft skills, in order to be successful in business.
First you learn the basics of the various disciplines before you can then choose from a pool of elective modules. This allows you to individually design the study content according to your personal preferences and career aspirations.
During the degree programme, each student takes part in at least two practical projects in cooperation with companies from the region. This allows you to gain valuable professional experience and contacts during your studies. Professional software development, IT consulting or designing a successful project fair are familiar to you. See for yourself (external video in the media library of Rosenheim's regional television).
Support services in the study process

At the start of your studies, we support you with programme-specific study captains who provide you with all the important information about the programme and give you valuable tips and tricks about studying.
During your studies, you will have many exercises in small groups, which are accompanied by tutors. This allows you to ask all your questions and quickly acquire the necessary knowledge.
So that you can get to know your fellow students and gain an insight into professional practice, there are regular excursions to companies in various cities.
The course of your studies
The Bachelor's programme consists of seven semesters. The fifth semester is a practical study semester with 18 weeks of practical time and two weeks of accompanying courses.
In the seventh semester, the Bachelor's thesis is to be written.

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Note: Previous versions of the following documents can be requested from our degree programme coordinator, Ms. Ewelina Bischof.
Study overview, module handbook, programme flyer
- Study overview Bachelor Business Information Systems (SPO 2022) in German 131 KB
- Study overview Bachelor Business Information Systems (SPO 2018, 2019, 2021) in German 64 KB
- Module Handbook Bachelor Business Information Systems (Compulsory modules according to SPO 2022) > FWPM are only planned for the 6th semester and with at least 80 CP and will be announced in good time. PDF in German) 2 MB
- Module Handbook Bachelor Business Information Systems (Status winter semester 22/23) 2 MB
- Programme flyer (in German) 466 KB
Career Opportunities

After successfully completing the Bachelor of Business Informatics programme, you have an incredible number of career opportunities. Currently, all industries and companies are looking for employees who can support them in shaping their business and customer relationships with modern digital technologies. Your career start will be a success without any problems.
Application and admission
How can you apply for the degree programme?
- Apply via uni-assist if you have obtained your higher education entrance qualification outside Germany
- Apply via the TH Rosenheim online application portal if you have obtained your higher education entrance in Germany
→ Application for a degree programme explained step by step
Contact person
Personal page of Ewelina Bischof
Ewelina Bischof
StudiengangskoordinatorinFakultät INF+49 (0)8031 / 805 - 2523 ewelina.bischof@th-rosenheim.de
Head of the study programme WIF-B
Personal page of Claudia Förster
Prof. Dr. Claudia Förster
Faculty of Computer Science+49 (0)8031 / 805 - 2506 claudia.foerster@th-rosenheim.de