About the degree programme
Business Mathematics at the Technical University of Rosenheim. Future-proof yourself
The degree programme in Business Mathematics and Actuarial Science (Business Mathematics for short) at the Technical University of Rosenheim provides you with both an excellent range of career opportunities as well as postgraduate study options (master's degree programmes).
For you to gain maximum benefit from this attractive offer, we attach great importance to a practice-oriented study programme with application in real business situations, with students working closely alongside academics and professors in a relaxed learning environment.
Future-proof yourself by studying business mathematics
We are renowned for our academic excellence and the quality of our degree programme. You will be inspired by all elements of studying and your chances of success in the future as they are second to none in Germany.
We look forward to welcoming you to our university. You can find further details and information on our website.
Social Media
Course content

The undergraduate degree programme in Business Mathematics is unique in Germany. It has been developed in such a way to meet the demands of business.
Beyond the practical orientation of the programme and the integration of new future technologies you will further develop other valuable skills like communication skills and foreign language skills, boosting your chances of employment. We guarantee that all the academics, lecturers and professors bring extensive knowledge, expertise and professional experience.
Course Business Mathematics
This is a three and a half-year programme. In Year 3 you will put your knowledge into practice and spend a term doing work placement at a company of your choice to gain real insight into the industry. If all your courses and exams have been successfully completed, you will receive a Bachelor of Science degree (BSc).
What you will study
There are five main areas of study including:
- Mathematics - calculus, linear algebra, stochastics and statistics, differential equations, probability theory and numerical analysis. There is a compulsory elective subject like functional analysis
- Computer science - fundamentals of computer science, programming, software engineering, databases
- Actuarial science and statistics - financial mathematics, mathematics for life insurance, health insurance, and pensions, statistics and statistical applications in case studies
- Business - insurance industry, corporate management, enterprise risk management
- Professional skills - foreign language skills, communication skills, creative thinking skills and a business simulation assignment
You will also have the opportunity to participate in compulsory courses based on future technologies such as data science and artificial intelligence (AI). These subjects can be researched in the Laboratory for Applied Mathematics and Statistics.
The following information will provide you with a comprehensive insight into the degree programme:
Dual Work-Study Degree Programme
This dual work-study degree programme combines full-time study to obtain a Bachelor of Science and working simultaneously to complete an apprenticeship.
Further information on this dual work-study model.
Further documents
Career Opportunities

As a graduate of business mathematics, you will have a wide range of job prospects open to you. Graduates of our programme have been employed by insurance companies, banks, consulting firms, auditing firms and IT companies. The demand for talent is currently high and new technologies of the future will pave the way for new exciting career paths.
Career profile of a business mathematician (an actuary)
- Actuaries are academics and certified experts who use mathematical methods of probability theory, statistics and financial mathematics to analyse problems and develop solutions in the areas of insurance, capital investments and pensions.
- They are awarded the title of "Actuary" and "Member of the German Association of Actuaries" (Aktuar DAV) on passing special examinations, similar to those taken by accountants and tax advisers.
- The German Association of Actuaries (Deutsche Aktuarvereinigung - DAV) is the professional association of actuaries in Germany.
- Business mathematicians and, in particular actuaries, are employed in a wide range of fields: tariff ratings, pensions, controlling, finance, and many diverse IT projects, to name but a few.
- The admission requirements to continue to qualify as an actuary at the 'DAV' (German Association of Actuaries) are met with a degree in business mathematics from the Technical University of Rosenheim. Five of the six examinations from the undergraduate degree programme (basic knowledge) are fully recognized by the German Association of Actuaries.
Business Contacts
The Technical University of Rosenheim has built a strong, well established network with local and national companies and works closely in collaboration with insurance companies, banks, consulting firms, auditing firms and IT companies. You will benefit from these connections during your work placement in your third year of study. In order to secure work placement at the company of your choice, please contact the relevant person as early as possible.
Application and admission
How can you apply for the degree programme?
- Apply via uni-assist if you have obtained your higher education entrance qualification outside Germany
- Apply via the TH Rosenheim online application portal if you have obtained your higher education entrance in Germany
→ Application for a degree programme explained step by step

At our university we foster personal interaction between you and our lecturers and staff in an informal setting.
Please find a comprehensive list of all the contacts in the degree programme Business Mathematics at the Technical University of Rosenheim
Programme Directors
If you have any questions regarding the degree programme, please contact the heads of the programme:
Personal page of Viktor Sandor
Prof. Dr. Viktor Sandor Aktuar DAV
+49 (0)8031 / 805 - 2427 viktor.sandor@th-rosenheim.de -
Personal page of Ulrich Wellisch
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Wellisch
+49 (0)8031 / 805 - 2425 ulrich.wellisch@th-rosenheim.de -
Dipl.-Math. Monika Sussmann
+49 (0)8031 / 805 - 2488 monika.sussmann@th-rosenheim.de
Academics and Professors
Here is a list of all the current lecturers indicating their areas of specialisation
- Prof. Dr. Florian Becker
Communication 1 and Communication 2 - Holger Dittmar
Statistical Applications 1 and Statistical Applications 2 - Dr. Panagiota Douka
Functional Analysis - Prof. Dr. Michael Helbig
Linear Algebra - Prof. Dr. Susanne Knobloch
Life Insurance, Pensions and Health Insurance, Modelling - Prof. Dr. Gerhard Mayr
Insurance Economics, Financial Instruments, Accounting, Basics of Controlling, Value-Oriented and Risk-Oriented Corporate Management, Business Simulations, Corporate Management - Johanna Mathäser
Insurance Law - Prof. Dr. Viktor Sandor
Financial Mathematics, Non-Life Actuarial Mathematics, Modelling, Selected Chapters of Stochastics and Statistics - Prof. Dr. Anja Bettina Schmiedt
Probability Theory, Statistics 1 - Prof. Dr. Stefan Schneeberger
Calculus 1 and Calculus 2 - Prof. Dr. Anneliese Schrott
Introduction to Computer Science, Programming 1 and Programming 2, Software Engineering, Databases - Prof. Dr. Achim Schulze
Differential Equations, Numerical Analysis - Monika Sussmann
Introduction to Stochastics and Statistics, Financial Mathematics, Statistical Applications 1 - Sarah Swalef
English 1 and English 2 - Prof. Dr. Ulrich Wellisch
Introduction to Stochastics and Statistics, Statistical Applications 2, Seminar, Statistics 2 - Prof. Dr. Klaus Wilderotter
Functional Analysis