About the degree programme

The Master's programme in Management and Engineering combines two indispensable professional fields of today and tomorrow: business & technology in combination with topics from digitalisation and sustainability.
The aim of our Master's programme in Management and Engineering at Rosenheim University of Applied Sciences is to provide you with interdisciplinary and intercultural leadership and management skills. Our focus is equally on teaching technical, methodological and social skills - as practice-oriented as possible!
Making decisions, developing and implementing strategic paths - this is what you learn in the Master's programme in Management and Engineering!
I would definitely choose the Master's programme in Management and Engineering in Rosenheim again. The flexible module selection and the currently offered modules have really convinced me!
Course content

Our Master's programme offers unique flexibility!
You choose from a wide range of training contents. These are structured into:
- 5 module groups (technology, business administration, integrative modules, subject-specific specialisation and foreign languages).
- practice (Master Case Study & Master's Thesis)
In each module group, a variety of current modules (e.g. from the field of digitalisation, sustainability, artificial intelligence, etc.) are available, so that an individual study plan can be designed. You will be supported and individually supervised by professorial mentors in the choice of modules and curriculum throughout the entire duration of your studies.
Within the framework of the Master's programme, there are various opportunities to extend the study programme with a stay abroad for study purposes.
The Master's programme can also be studied entirely in English. Over 50% of the modules from the module selection are offered in English. The focus is on highly topical subjects such as digital ethics, programming for data science, human resource management and others. Therefore, you also have the option of completing the Master's programme entirely in English. For the necessary language requirements, please see the current information sheets on admission (see below).
Further documents
Study and Examination Regulations, Curriculum, etc. (only available in German; please visit the German pages).
Career Opportunities

The future-oriented degree programme is aimed at people who are interested in the intersection between technology and business in international or domestic companies. After successfully completing your degree, many different industries and career fields are open to you. Whether in purchasing, controlling, consulting, production or supply chain planning - industrial engineers are needed everywhere. Thanks to your well-founded and very broad knowledge, you will quickly familiarise yourself with specialist topics. And thanks to the background of the integrative modules, you also have all the prerequisites to take on leadership responsibility and work in management.
Application and admission

- Course start: winter semester (1.10.) and summer semester (15.3.)
- Admission requirements:
- The prerequisite for admission to the Master's degree programme is a university degree (Bachelor's degree) in industrial engineering, in a corresponding technically and economically oriented degree programme, in an engineering degree programme or a degree acquired in Germany or abroad that is equivalent to such a university degree. An overall grade of 3.0 or better is required.
- Another qualification requirement is proof of basic knowledge in economics totalling at least 8 credit points (ECTS).
- German language skills at level B2 or higher according to CEFR. A list of recognised certificates can be found in the information sheet on application and admission (Merkblatt/ Checkliste zur Bewerbung; only available in German). See >> Checklists for application, admission and enrolment )
Please note the general regulations and information in the relevant checklist for application, admission and enrolment (only available in German).