Guest students

In the language area of the elective modules, there is the possibility of guest auditing. A maximum of two participants are admitted as guest students per language course. Eligibility for the module and the consent of the instructor are required for this.

Further information and registration 

The cost of a language course is 100€ per semester or as indicated in the registration sheet. 

IMPORTANT: There is no possibility to take an exam in the context of a guest auditor.


Procedure for Guest Auditing:

  1. Read the guest student application form, see link above.
  2. Review the course offerings of the Language Center and, if interested in a German course, take a placement test. See registration for German courses: German Courses - DaF: Technical University of Rosenheim.
  3. Email the inquiry and test results to
  4. If there is availability, attend the first day of the course.
  5. After the first day of the course, discuss with the instructor whether participation is advisable and possible.
  6. If yes: email the guest student application form.
  7. When the invoice arrives, pay the course fees and send the payment proof to
  8. Subsequently, access to the course room in the Learning Campus will be generated.