Specialist Required Elective Course (FWPM)

Specialist Required Elective Course (FWPM) of the Faculty of Engineering Sciences: Information and links

Subject-specific compulsory elective modules (FWPM for short) are provided for all Bachelor's degree programmes of the Faculty of Engineering (exception: EIT Master's, ING Master's). The faculty provides an up-to-date catalogue of the subjects that can be taken every semester.

There are the following FWPM electives:
FWPM-ING-General of the entire Faculty of Engineering Sciences.
MEC-FWPM-election, MB specialisation compulsory elective modules (SPO 2019), MT-FWPM-election as internal FWPM-elections of individual degree programmes.

The elections are always held at the same time.


The FWPM election can only be accessed via the dashboard:

Then click on "FWPM-Wahl" in the left column on "FWPMs wählen" (choose FWPMs) and there determine the desired specification and sequence from the subjects offered.

Instructions for FWPM elections can be downloaded as a PDF here:
FWPM election instructions for students

The election is only possible during the period indicated below.


The following basic regulations apply:

In general, you can also choose any subject from other faculties as FWPM with an application for registration for elective subject from external degree programmes.

However, the approval of the lecturer and the examination board of your degree programme is required. The approved application must be handed in at the Examinations Office. It also counts as an examination registration if registration via the Online Service Centre is not possible. This also applies to technical language courses. Only 2 SWS are credited towards the FWPM.

PDF download: FWPM catalogue for the winter semester 2024/25 (subject to approval by the Faculty Council)

The FWPM selection for the winter semester 2024/25 for Bachelor students of the Faculty of Engineering Sciences
Begin on 21.05.2024
End on 09.06.2024.

A deselection from the FWPM from the subjects that one does not wish to take from 10.06.2024 to 12.06.2024.

The announcement of the FWPMs that have been taken will probably be made during 14.06.2024.

Start of FWPM lectures expected: 01.10.2024

To vote for FWPM via the dashboard
(as long as election time is active; only after prior login to the dashboard)
The election is only possible during the period indicated below

E-mail address for questions regarding the FWPM election (Ms. Strasser):

Registrations for special FWPM

Important notice:

With some browser/Acrobat installations, the PDF documents are only opened incompletely in the browser itself. Therefore, please download the form in any case (click with right mouse button -> save target as ...) and then open it locally. Then the form can be filled out smoothly.

The FWPM "Applied Didactics" and "Engineering Project" are listed in the catalogue, but cannot be selected directly via the FWPM choice in the communities.
Registration is only possible via the following forms :

Anmeldung eines FWPM Angewandte Didaktik.pdf

Anmeldung eines FWPM Ingenieurprojekts.pdf