Faculty Board
Personal page of Markus Frank
Prof. Markus Frank
Design (Space)+49 (0)8031 / 805 - 2561 markus.frank@th-rosenheim.de -
Personal page of Wolfgang Jaeger
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Wolfgang Jaeger
Visual Communication / Teacher for Special Tasks / Assistant MIXstudio+49 (0)8031 / 805 - 2596 wolfgang.jaeger@th-rosenheim.de -
Personal page of Michael Koerner
Prof. Dr. Michael Koerner
Dean / Construction (Space) / Laboratory management: Bau Lab, comm. CAD Lab+49 (0)8031 / 805 - 2568 michael.koerner@th-rosenheim.de -
Personal page of Martin Kühfuss
Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Martin Kühfuss
Construction (Space)+49 (0)8031 / 805 - 2560 martin.kuehfuss@th-rosenheim.de -
Personal page of Anette Ponholzer
Prof. Anette Ponholzer
Dean of Studies / Design and construction (Design) / Laboratory Management: Materialize Lab+49 (0)8031 / 805 - 2543 anette.ponholzer@th-rosenheim.de -
Personal page of Karin Sander
Prof. Karin Sander
Visual Communication, Interior Architecture Theory and History / Laboratory Management: MIXstudiokarin.sander@th-rosenheim.de -
Personal page of Mathias Schmidt
Dipl. Ing. (FH) Mathias Schmidt M.A.
Structural Engineering and Building Economics (Space) | Teacher for Special Tasks+49 (0)8031 / 805 - 2562 mathias.schmidt@th-rosenheim.de -
Personal page of Linn Song
Prof. Linn Song
Visual Communication, Theory and History of Architecture / Laboratory Management: MIXstudiolinn.song@th-rosenheim.de -
Personal page of Kilian Stauss
Prof. Kilian Stauss
Vice Dean / Design and construction (Design) / Laboratory Management: Visual Lab, Rapid Prototyping Lab+49 (0)8031 / 805 - 2559 kilian.stauss@th-rosenheim.de -
Personal page of Jochen Stopper
Prof. Dr. Jochen Stopper
Energy-efficient and sustainable building (Space)+49 (0)8031 / 805 - 2563 jochen.stopper@th-rosenheim.de -
Personal page of Mathias Wambsganss
Prof. Mathias Wambsganss
Lighting Planning and Design (Space) / Laboratory Management: Lighting workshop+49 (0)8031 / 805 - 2569 mathias.wambsganss@th-rosenheim.de -
Personal page of Gabriel Weber
Prof. Dipl. Des. Gabriel Weber
Design and Construction (Design) / Laboratory Management: Laboratory for Model Making IAD, Laser Lab, Sens Lab, TechTex Lab, Design Research Lab+49 (0)8031 / 805 - 2556 gabriel.weber@th-rosenheim.de
Student representative on the Faculty Board
Laura Felleiter
Students' representativelaura.felleiter@stud.th-rosenheim.de -
Jakob Hoerschelmann
Students' representativejakob.hoerschelmann@stud.th-rosenheim.de