When your book has arrived the order will be displayed as “ready to collect” in your library account. The library system will also send you a message via the e-mail address you have provided. Library account
It is not possible to give exact information about delivery times as the time it takes to process orders is affected by various factors (e.g. book is currently out on loan, book cannot be taken out on loan, journal at the bookbinders, etc.). Orders for books normally take around 5-10 working days, on average 7 days. Orders for articles from journals take 1 - 3 working days.
Items can sometimes be obtained via the international loan service if an order cannot be processed within Germany. However this involves longer waiting times and usually incurs a cost. A time/cost/benefit analysis should always be considered here, especially as many foreign libraries do not send items abroad and this is something we only find out at a late stage of the order process
You can still submit an order for items not listed in "Gateway Bayern" but this needs to be done via the "Gateway Bayern” inter-library loan portal. On the website, under the heading “Weitere Angebote” (other services) you will find tips on submitting a “Freie Fernleihbestellung” (free order via the inter-library loan service). You can enter the bibliographical data you know here and submit your order. The staff at the inter-library loan service office will then attempt to order the title from other libraries outside Bavaria. Gateway Bayern
The inter-library loan service system automatically determines the sequence in which the supplier libraries are to be contacted. If the first library cannot supply the requested item, the order is forwarded to the next library. If the title cannot be delivered, e.g. because it is out on loan or cannot be loaned to any library, a message is sent to the individual who submitted the order.
The inter-library loan service is free of charge
The issuing library may attach certain conditions to the use of their items, for example, stipulating that they may only be used in the reading room or that copying is not permitted. We are not able to find out about these conditions in advance.
Via the library account in the OPAC catalogue. Current orders via the inter-library loan service (books only) are displayed here, with loan periods where applicable. Library account
Only in individual cases. To do this, you need to contact our inter-library loan service office. fernleihe-cb@th-rosenheim.de
The password is the first four digits of your date of birth without a full stop in between (DDMM).
Monographs and collected works that are not available in our library. Copies of articles from specialist journals or chapters from books.
The latest literature, as new book titles are often already listed in combined catalogues before they arrive in libraries. And so they are usually very quickly taken out on loan. You can also suggest new titles (max. 3 years old) for the library to purchase. Titles that are only listed in specialist libraries are also difficult to obtain, as these are often reference books only. Antiquarian materials are also difficult to obtain.
Orders of literature that is available at our library or at a bookshop for less than €15 are not permitted. Books in high demand, loose-leaf collections, unbound journals, large format items, reference library literature and valuable works usually cannot be taken out on loan. Other orders not permitted via the inter-library loan service include those for Diploma, Master's or State Examination theses, DIN standards, patents, works in poor condition, videos and records.
If you encounter any problems when ordering an item, please feel free to contact the inter-library loan service office. fernleihe-cb@th-rosenheim.de
You can make up to 20 orders at one time. Once you return individual items, your order quota can be topped up to 20 orders again. Orders for articles from journals are not included in this.
Different rules apply to visitors using the inter-library loan service. Guests
University Libraries
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