Campus Mühldorf am Inn
Studying where people count
The human being is at the centre of the study programmes offered by the Faculty for Social Sciences at Campus Mühldorf am Inn. Starting with early childhood education, understanding human behaviour and ending with social science skills. In this way, the faculty focuses on important professional fields of the future.
What Campus Mühldorf am Inn offers
- Bachelor's degree programmes in the field of social affairs as well as career-integrated degree programmes in the fields of technology and business
- 18 lecture rooms
- Faculty for Social Sciences
- Campus library
- Study space for students
- Parent-Child-Room
- Events
Studying in Mühldorf am Inn
Nestled in the Inn-Salzach tourism region, Mühldorf am Inn offers varied leisure activities with a wide range of cultural and sporting activities. Its central location in the heart of Bavaria between Munich and Passau makes Mühldorf am Inn an attractive place to study.

How to get to Campus Mühldorf am Inn
Technische Hochschule Rosenheim
Campus Mühldorf am Inn
Am Industriepark 33
84453 Mühldorf am Inn
Phone +49 (0) 8031 805-4541
The campus is located in the industrial park of the city of Mühldorf am Inn and is easy to reach by car, bicycle or public transport.
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