Engineering Master Summer School

What do Engineers need for the Challenges of the Future?

The future presents engineers with new challenges. To solve them, we need technical know-how, international teamwork and an efficient management of our resources. Our Master Summer School deals with career opportunities for future engineers. This is an English-taught programme in Rosenheim, Germany, for international students joined by Master’s students from TH Rosenheim.

Aims at: Master’s and senior year’s Bachelor’s students enrolled in STEM / engineering studies

Date: 22 to 27 July 2024

That's offered: Build on your engineering skills, explore the environmental impact of your actions and develop sustainable solutions in our labs. You get to choose a programme to achieve your desired learning outcomes. In each class, the hands-on courses are led by experts from practice who support you in taking a global perspective on the challenges ahead. The following topics are covered:

Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) - Erasmus+ funding possible!

Good to know: This Engineering Master Summer School is organised as an Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programme (BIP).

If your home university is an Erasmus+ partner university of TH Rosenheim, you can also apply for an Erasmus+ grant (for a short-term mobility) at your home university, to attend this summer school. This individual support is intended to help cover the costs of travel, accommodation and personal expenses. The BIP funding is organised by your home university – please check details with your university’s International Office. Find more information about the Erasmus+ BIP funding in the FAQ.


BIP ID: 2023-1-DE01-KA131-HED-000113674-1

Find your topic


TH Rosenheim is the best place to make good friends. I like the location of the university, and I hope to finish my studies at TH Rosenheim in the future.

Shad Summer school participant from Iraq Student in interview

Apply now!

Students from Partner Universities

Students from Non-Partner Universities

Master's/Exchange students at TH Rosenheim

Further Information

Students taking a photo at the closing ceremony.
Twoe students in the lab.

Movie: Summer school at TH Rosenheim

Two students looking at a sunset at lake Simssee.

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Master Summer School Coordinator


This programme is supported by the programme initiative UAS.International Module B (2021-2024) of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), sponsored by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

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