Master Summer School: Past Editions

Video: Summer School at TH Rosenheim

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The Master Summer School on Future Challenges in Engineering at TH Rosenheim took place three times between 2022 and 2024. It was jointly organized by the International Office, the Faculty of Engineering and Management, the Faculty of Engineering and the Faculty of Wood Technology and Construction.

In 2024, the Master Summer School was also offered as a blended intensive program as part of Erasmus+.

Target group

International guests and Master's students at TH Rosenheim were able to attend the programme. In total, more than 100 students attended the summer school events.


Three different course programmes were offered, each with its own workshops, laboratory units and company visits. The Summer School offered the following classes:



The Master Summer School was supported by the programme initiative UAS.International Module B (2021-2024) of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), sponsored by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

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