Consultation for Stays Abroad

Go Abroad: We support you!

[Translate to English:] Studierende an einem Tisch

The International Office supports students of TH Rosenheim who want to spend, as part of their studies, a study semester or an internship abroad (outgoing students) as well international exchange students who want to come to Rosenheim Technical University of Applied Sciences as part of an exchange programme (incoming students).

The International Office can advise you on administrative affairs relating to your study-related stay abroad and offer you information on partner universities, ways of applying and financing stays abroad.

Open Consultation Hours in the International Office (Room R 2.22):

On Mondays, 01:00 - 03:00 pm
On Thursdays, 10:00 - 12:00 am 

Feel free to reach out for an individual appointment as well

or meet us online on Zoom (with individual appointment)
Tamara Harrer: 
Tina Kaffl: 


Dear Degree-Seeking International Applicants

If you have questions about your application, admission, enrolment: Here is the information for you!

For questions regarding your application status at TH Rosenheim please check the online application portal or contact the Student Administration directly! At the International Office we do not have access to your data! 

Address and Campus Map

Rosenheim Technical University of Applied Sciences
International Office
Hochschulstrasse 1
D - 83024 Rosenheim

Room R 2.22 (Building R, 2nd Floor)

International topics on Social Media