Studying Abroad

Gain international experience

[Translate to English:] Student im Handstand auf einer Straße mitten in der Natur

You can study at a partner university of your faculty (without tuition fees) either in Europe or worldwide. You will receive guidance by the International Office. Alternatively you can go abroad as a free mover at a university of your choice (with tuition fees).


Financing? Study semester with Erasmus+ funding!

Would you like to do a study semester abroad? And receive a grant to finance your stay abroad?

Our tip: Use the Erasmus+ funding for a study semester at a European partner university of your faculty!

Study in Europe
Study in Europe
[Translate to English:] Sonnenaufgang über einer Stadt
Study worldwide
Study worldwide
[Translate to English:] Sonnenuntergang am Meer
Study abroad as a freemover
Study abroad as a freemover
Partner universities
Partner universities
[Translate to English:] Verschneite Landschaft mit Haus und Boot
FAQ Studying abroad
FAQ Studying abroad

Contact for studying abroad

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