
Strategy for internationalisation

Successful internationalisation can only be accomplished if all parts of the university - management and administration, teaching and learning, research, development and transfer, management and services for students as well as marketing and communication - are involved in and actively support this process. 

The internal strategy paper is available to teachers and staff of TH Rosenheim on the intranet. It summarises the current status of the university's internationalisation and draws up goals and recommendations for the relevant areas.

Sonnenuntergang mit Palme am Meer
For students: study semester or internship abroad
For students: study semester or internship abroad

Guides and information documents

The internationalisation strategy is supported by practical guidelines for implementation, in which members of the university (students, teachers, staff) can inform themselves about offers and funding opportunities.

For faculties and lecturers

For staff and lecturers

For students

Programme UAS.International of DAAD

UAS.International is a programme initiative of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). With this programme,  DAAD supports the internationalisation process at all levels of higher education and across all groups of people: from students to teachers and researchers to administrative staff. The programme initiative promotes the international mobility of students and academics and supports the TH Rosenheim in its strategic development and cooperation with international university and industry partners. More information about the UAS.International programme initiative:

TH Rosenheim has taken part in the programme initiative with two projects:

UAS.International Module B

Project International Technology Studies @ TH Rosenheim

TH Rosenheim has developed the internationalisation of technical studies from the Bachelor's degree to the doctorate. The focus is on the Bachelor's degree as an academic entry and professional qualification. TH Rosenheim aims at attracting prospective foreign students to study engineering in Rosenheim and Burghausen and addresses this target group with an easy-entry study model.  DAAD has funded this project with 1 million euros.