Embracing Globalisation: Introducing International Business Studies in the Bachelor's Programme of Business Administration

Gone are the days when business knowledge was confined to domestic markets. In today's globalised world, companies operate on an international scale and demand employees with a broad international outlook. To meet this demand and offer students an even more diverse education, we are delighted to announce the introduction of the international study track in the Bachelor's programme in Business Administration.

Starting from the upcoming winter semester, students will have the opportunity to opt for international study components in their third semester. This means that they must study a minimum of 70 ECTS credits with international relevance or in English, have the option to complete a semester abroad, and seize the chance to participate in international projects both locally and overseas. Additionally, they will have the opportunity to attend lectures by international guest lecturers.

This expansion of the programme allows the Faculty of Business Administration to sharpen its international profile and make the programme more attractive to prospective students from the region and beyond. Students will not only benefit from unique personal development and the refinement of their language skills during mandatory study abroad experiences but will also acquire crucial international competencies in the field of International Management. They will learn how to effectively communicate within and across cultures, understand the intricacies of international supply chains, and address international ethical dilemmas.

Equipped with these skills, students will be excellently prepared for both the national and international job markets. In an increasingly globalised world, it is imperative for companies to extend their operations beyond national borders. By participating in this international Bachelor's programme, graduates will be well-equipped to tackle these challenges successfully and thrive in the global economic landscape.

We invite all interested individuals to apply for this innovative programme and become part of an exciting international educational experience. Together, we will discover new horizons and delve into the world of international management.

For further information and inquiries, please feel free to contact Prof. Dr. Carolin Fleischmann and Tatjana Erlewein at intbiz@th-rosenheim.de.