Collaborative Doctorate at Rosenheim Technical University of Applied Sciences

Basic Requirements

Rosenheim Technical University of Applied Sciences cannot grant doctoral degrees, as most Universities of Applied Sciences in Germany. If you want to pursue a doctorate at TH Rosenheim, you need to collaborate with a full or Technical University (national or international). As a consequence, you need two supervisors, one from TH Rosenheim and one from the collaborating University.

The basic requirements to start a doctorate are usually a Master’s degree (good or excellent) and the knowledge of specific subjects. The specific requirements differ between universities and departments. Usually, a check of your individual study background and results is required before you can start the doctorate.

In Germany, the doctorate takes at least three years (usually longer), and there are generally two different ways to start a doctorate at TH Rosenheim: (i) to apply for an open Ph.D. position or (ii) to initiate a research project.

Application for Open Positions

Occasionally, there are funded research projects at TH Rosenheim which offer the possibility of Ph.D. positions. These positions are usually posted on the recruitment platform and announced for “wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter (m/w/d)”. However, not all of these open positions offer the possibility of a Ph.D., so you might want to get in touch with the contact person of the announcement before you apply for a position.

Initiation of a Research Project

To initiate a research project, you need an idea and/or a potential supervisor at TH Rosenheim. If you already have an idea for a research project, it may help to send a short proposal/summary to potential supervisors.

When you found a supervisor and the project idea is defined, you will probably need money for the project. Usually, you will write a research proposal together with your supervisor. There are different opportunities for grants and scholarships available. The team members of the Centre for Research, Development and Technology Transfer are available to support you.

Search for a Collaborative University

As explained above, you need to collaborate with an additional supervisor from a title-granting university (see Basic Requirements). Hence, you and your supervisor from TH Rosenheim should start early to look for a suitable and advantageous cooperation.


Start of the Doctorate

When all the requirements are fulfilled, the title granting universities usually require a supervision agreement between Ph.D.-student and supervisors.

For TH Rosenheim, you have to register your Ph.D.-project and sign a guideline for collaborative doctorates.


Ongoing cooperative doctorates

You can find an overview of our current doctoral theses here!



Summarising Information

Signpost to a Doctorate

Related pages

Courses and Workshops for Doctoral Candidates
Courses and Workshops for Doctoral Candidates

Internal Information
