Written examinations may consist entirely or partly of multiple choice questions. The respective examiners decide on this. The rules apply to examinations in which more than 50% of the attainable points come from multiple choice questions.
Multiple choice examinations contain true and false statements about a subject and require an indication of whether the individual statement is true or false. Permissible tasks are those that contain only one correct statement among multiple possible statements and those that contain several correct statements among multiple possible statements. For each statement, the question provides the two options of marking the respective statement as true and as false. Correct answers include both correct answers marked "true" and incorrect answers marked "false". The deduction of points (negative marking) for incorrect answers is not permitted.
Multiple choice examinations are considered passed
a. if a total of at least 70 percent of the attainable points have been achieved or
b. if the number of points achieved is at least 50 percent of the total attainable points and at the same time the number of points achieved by the student is not more than 22 percent lower than the average number of points of all students taking this examination.
If the student has achieved the minimum number of points required to pass the examination, the grade for the multiple choice examination or parts of the examination is as follows:
• 1.0 (very good), if at least 90 percent
• 1.3 (very good), if at least 80 percent, but less than 90 percent
• 1.7 (good), if at least 70, but less than 80 percent
• 2.0 (good), if at least 60, but less than 70 percent
• 2.3 (good), if at least 50, but less than 60 percent
• 2.7 (satisfactory), if at least 40, but less than 50 percent
• 3.0 (satisfactory), if at least 30, but less than 40 percent
• 3.3 (satisfactory), if at least 20, but less than 30 percent
• 3.7 (sufficient), if at least 10, but less than 20 percent
• 4.0 (sufficient), if the minimum number of points required according to Para. 3 has been achieved but less than 10 percent of the required minimum number of points have been achieved.
A grade boundary that is not a whole number will be rounded in favour of the student. If the required minimum number of points to be achieved has not been reached, the grade is "insufficient" (5.0).
The final grades of examinations consisting only partly of multiple choice questions are determined as follows: the partial grade for the multiple choice part is determined according to this section. In addition, the partial grade for the other part of the examination is determined. Both partial grades are combined to form an overall grade.